Working together with you, we form the perfect team to help you work out the next steps
What to expect
Regardless of the issue you face the first appointment is just for the adults and focuses on a comprehensive discussion around the current concerns. This usually takes between 45- 60 minutes. At the end of this session we come up with a plan of how we will work together.
Because our approach holds you at the centre and, is tailored to you, it is hard to say what this plan might look like. However, it will include at least 3 sessions as we need time to learn about you, plan together, put interventions into place and then review how they are going.
This could be 3 parent support sessions or 4- 6 sessions for your child (or teen) with a psychologist focusing on a particular issue.
We can undertake observations and meetings in school (with your permission) to put together a support program across home and school. It’s all up for discussion and put together to specifically suit you and your child.
If any safety concerns are raised in this discussion, for example you are worried about your child harming themselves or of them being at risk of harm, a plan will be put in place to manage these issues from the start. We work with a number of different agencies that can also offer support.
The TCPS Multi Disciplinary Approach
At the Child Psychology Service, we work as a multi-disciplinary team. This means that people with different but complementary skills work together with you and your child to make sure they get the help they need.
Learn more about our approach to multi-disciplinary, neurodivergence-affirming approach to support you and your child by clicking the button below.
3 Simple Steps to work with us

with us
Contact us to see how we can help you.

Create a
practical plan

Get back
on track
We’ll work together to help you develop and practise strategies that help you and your child to get back on track.